Monday, July 27, 2020

Spring Activities

Spring Activities Hey guys, Since spring is near, I thought I’d write about a few cool places I like to or want to go to when the weather gets nice. 1. The Arboretum.  To start off spring, I’d strongly suggest taking a trip to the Arboretum. It’s a great way to get outside and spend a nice day alone or with a friend. For couples, this is also a cool spot for a nice romantic stroll. 2. Japan House.  I have yet to take a trip to the Japan House, but I’ve heard from plenty of friends that this is the place to go, especially when the weather is nice. There’s lots of really nice vegetation and the architecture is beyond beautiful. 3. Boneyard Creek.  Boneyard Creek is one of the cutest, most serene sites on campus in my opinion. Being around water can be really calming, so I would suggest taking a trip here after a long day to unwind, especially near the end of the semester. This spot gains its notoriety for me because it’s an excellent spot for solitude or gazing at geese with a friend. For all those reading who aren’t on campus yet, I highly suggest visiting these places when you arrive (after finding your way around, of course). Bye! Indyia Class of 2019 I’m an Art Foundation student in the College of Fine and Applied Arts, and after Art Foundation I plan on majoring in Art Education. With my degree and teaching certificate, I want to teach children how to use their emotions, thoughts, and surroundings to create art.